Pouring beer to a bartender is the most asked for of services to date. A lot of it is to no regret of the bartender, but could be all that may be bought in some establishments.

Below is step by step of how to draw a perfect glass of beer from a keg and a bottle.

1. Starting with a sparkling clean glass. (May be kept in a freezer).

2. Place the glass at about an inch below the faucet or bottle.(Don't let the beer glass touch the faucet)

3. Open the faucet quickly all the way once. (Don't let it shoot out too quick.)

4. A glass of beer should have a l/2" to 1" head if poured for the best eye and good taste.

5. Before the glass is filled tum it straight up.

6. Stop pouring, serve with a napkin or coaster.

Draft Beer Problems


Flat Beer 
  Wild Beer
Greasy glasses  Beer drawn wrong
Not enough pressure Beer too warm
Cooler too cold  Too much pressure
Leaky pressure line Kink in lines *

Always keep a bottle opener handy!

A frosty mug would be the icing on the cake to a thirsty beer drinker.